Weather Quiz: Thunderstorm Height
NBC 5 Chief Meteorologist Rick Mitchell asks how high can the top of a thunderstorm reach?
Weather Quiz: Weather Balloon
NBC 5 Chief Meteorologist Rick Mitchell asks which weather reading a weather balloon does not measure?
Weather Quiz: Pileus Cloud
NBC 5 Chief Meteorologist Rick Mitchell asks where you can find a Pileus cloud.
Weather Quiz: Dog Sense
Meteorologist Kevan Smith asks how dogs know storms are coming.
Weather Quiz: Road Mirage
NBC 5 Chief Meteorologist Rick Mitchell asks what you call that mirage where the road ahead of you in the distance looks wet.
Weather Quiz: Cockpit Instruments
NBC 5 Chief Meteorologist Rick Mitchell asks which item found in the cockpit of an airplane uses air pressure as part of its fuction?
Weather Quiz: Jet Stream
NBC 5 Chief Meteorologist Rick Mitchell asks what you call the band of stronger winds that move through the jet stream.
Weather Quiz: Clouds
NBC 5 Chief Meteorologist Rick Mitchell asks what type of clouds have bases below 6,500 feet?
Weather Quiz: Lightning Distance
NBC 5 Chief Meteorologist Rick Mitchell asks how far away can a lightning strike reach?
Weather Quiz: Cloud Color
NBC 5 Chief Meteorologist Rick Mitchell asks: The color of a cloud depends on what?
Weather Quiz: Towering CU
NBC 5 Chief Meteorologist Rick Mitchell asks when a weather observer reports “tower CU,” what type of weather could occur based on that report?
Weather Quiz: White Light
NBC 5 Chief Meteorologist Rick Mitchell asks who discovered white light is made up of seven visible colors that we see in a rainbow?
Weather Quiz: Too Hot for Rabbits
NBC 5 Meteorologist Kevan Smith asks what temperature is too hot for rabbits?
Weather Quiz: Correlation Coefficient
The term correlation coefficient is directly related to which weather tool?
Weather Quiz: Marfa Front
NBC 5 Chief Meteorologist Rick Mitchell asks which weather event is also known as a “Marfa front?”
Weather Quiz: Hail
NBC 5 Chief Meteorologist Rick Mitchell asks if a thunderstorm’s updraft wind is 50mph, it can support the development of hail how large?
Weather Quiz: Meaning Behind ‘RADAR'
NBC 5 Senior Meteorologist David Finfrock asks: What does the acronym RADAR stand for?
Weather Quiz: Faraday Cage
NBC 5 Chief Meteorologist Rick Mitchell asks which weather event you get protection from in a Faraday cage?
Weather Quiz: Fulgurite
NBC 5 Chief Meteorologist Rick Mitchell asks what causes the glass-like tubes typically found on beaches called fulgurite?
Weather Quiz: DFW Tornadoes
NBC 5 Chief Meteorologist Rick Mitchell asks why more tornadoes have been reported in DFW than any other place in North Texas?